Greek and French news websites on SEMEDFIRE training

The 6th Hands-on Training Short Course of SEMEDFIRE, that was hosted by the SEMEDFIRE co-ordinator European University CyprusCERIDES in Nicosia, Cyprus between the 12-13th of February 2025, has been reported in Greek and French news websites., the news website of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, published a short article about the 2-day event in Cyprus, highlighting the participation of two Canadair pilots from the Hellenic Air Force. The article also mentioned the next step in SEMEDFIRE’s scheduled actions with the French Advanced Partners of Work Package 6, namely the field exercise in the International Airport of Nimes – Grande Provence and the National Air Base of the French Civil Security Directorate.

French media outlet a local news website that covers the latest news from the Gard department and its major cities, published an article titled “NÎMES MÉTROPOLE: In Cyprus, the agglomeration shares its expertise on forest fires“. The article provided information and details about the training in Cyprus, the participants and the presented subjects. It also mentioned the upcoming organisation of the field exercise in Nimes in the coming months.

Another French media outlet, Midi Libre published an articled titled “An international civil security exercise to fight forest fires scheduled for Nîmes in April 2025“, focusing on the short-course training organised in Cyprus. The article provides information about the number of participants from Cyprus, Greece, Jordan and France and the composition of the French delegation by Nimes Metropole, the Directorate of Civil Protection and Crisis Management of the Ministry of Interior and the expert trainer from ENTENTE-VALABRE. In addition to the above information, the article of Midi Libre, hosted a statement by Mr. Frédéric Escojido, vice-Mayor of the city of Nimes and elected official of Nimes Metropole responsible for the civil protection matters.

The article of Midi Libre was reposted with similar information by another departmental media outlet Le Reveil du Midi, titled “Nîmes Métropole in Cyprus to strengthen aerial fight against forest fires

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