The 3rd Staff Exchange Twinning Visit – EUC-CERIDES visits WUR in the Netherlands

The third Staff-Exchange Twinning visit (SET-3), held from November 27 to 30, 2023, brought Ms. Judith Kirschner from the European University of CyprusCERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) to Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Ms. Judith Kirschner is a member of the EUC-CERIDES team and a PhD candidate though the Pyrolife Project funded by the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions within the European Horizon2020 programme.

This visit was crucial for both teams (WUR and EUC-CERIDES) to plan the next steps and activities needed to achieve the objectives of Work Package 4 (WP4) as outlined in the Grant Agreement. The event included Ms. Kirschner’s participation in the Dutch National Wildfire Stakeholder Day, where she presented on ‘Governing wildfires in Cyprus: a shared risk on a divided island’. She also engaged in various activities, such as stakeholder mapping, a workshop on Living Labs, and individual consultations with WUR staff. The discussions aimed to align strategies and share insights, particularly on wildfire governance and the potential integration of lessons from other countries. 

Throughout the visit, several key activities and discussions were conducted.  

The first day featured attendance at the ‘State of Wildfires in the Netherlands 2023 – National Stakeholder Day,’ providing a comprehensive overview of wildfire risk management in the Netherlands.  

Subsequent days involved discussions on Dutch water management and its relevance to wildfire governance, preparation for meetings with WUR experts, and concluding with a hybrid meeting with EUC-CERIDES colleagues. This meeting highlighted the importance of stakeholder engagement and introduced ideas for developing an Integrated Fire Management (IFM) strategy for Cyprus, drawing on international experiences. 

Additionally, a workshop on Living Labs was attended, exploring their potential role in sustainability transitions. The visit underscored the importance of collaboration and knowledge exchange between the teams to enhance wildfire management practices in Cyprus.

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