Photo: A helicopter drops water over a fire in Nea Makri, east of Athens, Monday, Aug. 12, 2024. Copyright Michael Varaklas/Copyright 2024 The AP. All rights reserved Recent extreme heat conditions in southern Europe have caused numerous wildfires, with local and European responsible authorities working in full capacity in fire prevention, protection and suppression. Wildfires...
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The SEMEDFIRE project team of the Advanced Partner Nîmes Métropole presented the project to a selected array of officials in the historical caste of Générac. Following the presentation of the project, a discussion took place with the Mayor of the Commune of Générac, the Vice-Mayor of Nîmes and  elected officials. The meeting and presentation falls...
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The 8th edition of the EU Civil Protection Forum was held on 4-5 June in Tour & Taxis, in Brussels. This year’s forum, took place under the theme: “Shaping a disaster-resilient Union: charting a path for the future of European civil protection. The Forum brought together key stakeholders from across the continent to discuss advancements...
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The 4th and 6th Staff-Exchange Twinning Visits took place between the 8th and 11th of April 2024, in Nicosia Cyprus. The visits were hosted by the European University Cyprus – CERIDES. The SEMEDFIRE project teams from Pau Costa Foundation and the Wageningen University & Research visited Cyprus to attend the events, meetings, presentations and activities...
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In February 2024, Mr. Matthieu Jost, a member of the European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) team, visited Barcelona. The goal was to engage with the Pau Costa Foundation, under the context of the 5th Staff Exchange Twinning Visit of Work Package 5.  This visit was a significant step in strengthening collaborations between SEMEDFIRE’s co-ordinator...
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The SEMEDFIRE project team from European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) visited the Netherlands as part of the project collaboration with Wageningen University & Research (WUR), between 16 – 19 January 2024. The visit was scheduled under the 3rd Hands-On Training Short Course (HOT-3) actions for Work Package 4 (WP4).   The visit was hosted by WP4...
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Representatives from European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES), visited Imperial College’s Hazelab (IMPERIAL) in London. The Hands-On Short Training Course (HOT-2) aimed to disseminate fire science expertise from IMPERIAL and exchange knowledge on science communication, research, management and administrative practices. The goal of the 3-day visit was to engage in hands-on training and discussions, exploring...
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The third Staff-Exchange Twinning visit (SET-3), held from November 27 to 30, 2023, brought Ms. Judith Kirschner from the European University of Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) to Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Ms. Judith Kirschner is a member of the EUC-CERIDES team and a PhD candidate though the Pyrolife Project funded by the prestigious Marie...
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The two-day Hands-On Training Short-Course (HOT-1) took place on November 7 and 8, 2023 in Cyprus. The project team of Imperial’s Hazelab (IMPERIAL) and European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) team members visited the Catastrophy Response Special Unit (CRSU) Fire Station to set up four fire demonstration stations. This included an actual fire test using...
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SEMEDFIRES’s project team from European University Cyprus – CERIDES participated in this year’s edition of the European Researcher’s night in Nicosia, Cyprus. Every year, the “European Researchers’ Night”, is a pan-European event taking place on the last Friday of September. ERN’s aims are to bring research and researchers closer to the public; promote excellent research...
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