The second Staff-Exchange Twinning visit (SET-2) occurred from May 15 to 19, 2023, with Dr. Carlos Walker-Ravena and Mr. Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos from Imperial College London visiting the European University of Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) The visit began with introductions and detailed discussions on the objectives of Work Package 3 (WP3), focusing on fire modelling and...
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The first Staff-Exchange Twinning visit (SET-1) took place from February 23 to 25, 2023, marking a significant collaboration between the European University of Cyprus (EUC) and Imperial College London (IMPERIAL). The visit involved Dr. Klelia Petrou from EUC – CERIDES and included meetings, presentations, and discussions aimed at defining the next steps and work required...
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SEMEDFIRE – Twinning aims to upgrade the knowledge and experience of a leading Cypriot research center, so that CERIDES becomes a “beacon” of excellence in fire research in Cyprus and the South-East Mediterranean region. A strategic project of particular importance for Cyprus was inaugurated on Tuesday at the CERIDES Center of Excellence of the European...
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European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) successfully organized the kick-off meeting of SEMEDFIRE (South Eastern Mediterranean Excellence Development In Fire Research), a Twinning project under the Horizon Europe call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03. The consortium met in Nicosia at the EUC premises on the 31st of January 2023.  SEMEDFIRE is the first Twinning Program awarded to EUC, boosting...
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The European University Cyprus – CERIDES Team is extremely happy to announce that the Twinning Project SEMEDFIRE (South Eastern Mediterranean Excellence Development in FIre REsearch), under the Horizon Europe call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03, started successfully on 1st December 2022..! The Consortium had its first online pre-Kick-Off on 5th December 2022. The granting of the SEMEDFIRE Twinning project is of massive strategic importance...
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