
The 8th edition of the EU Civil Protection Forum was held on 4-5 June in Tour & Taxis, in Brussels. This year’s forum, took place under the theme: “Shaping a disaster-resilient Union: charting a path for the future of European civil protection. The Forum brought together key stakeholders from across the continent to discuss advancements...
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SEMEDFIRES’s project team from European University Cyprus – CERIDES participated in this year’s edition of the European Researcher’s night in Nicosia, Cyprus. Every year, the “European Researchers’ Night”, is a pan-European event taking place on the last Friday of September. ERN’s aims are to bring research and researchers closer to the public; promote excellent research...
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European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) successfully organized the kick-off meeting of SEMEDFIRE (South Eastern Mediterranean Excellence Development In Fire Research), a Twinning project under the Horizon Europe call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03. The consortium met in Nicosia at the EUC premises on the 31st of January 2023.  SEMEDFIRE is the first Twinning Program awarded to EUC, boosting...
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The European University Cyprus – CERIDES Team is extremely happy to announce that the Twinning Project SEMEDFIRE (South Eastern Mediterranean Excellence Development in FIre REsearch), under the Horizon Europe call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03, started successfully on 1st December 2022..! The Consortium had its first online pre-Kick-Off on 5th December 2022. The granting of the SEMEDFIRE Twinning project is of massive strategic importance...
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