
Project Activities
The 4th and 6th Staff-Exchange Twinning Visits took place between the 8th and 11th of April 2024, in Nicosia Cyprus. The visits were hosted by the European University Cyprus – CERIDES. The SEMEDFIRE project teams from Pau Costa Foundation and the Wageningen University & Research visited Cyprus to attend the events, meetings, presentations and activities...
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In February 2024, Mr. Matthieu Jost, a member of the European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) team, visited Barcelona. The goal was to engage with the Pau Costa Foundation, under the context of the 5th Staff Exchange Twinning Visit of Work Package 5.  This visit was a significant step in strengthening collaborations between SEMEDFIRE’s co-ordinator...
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The SEMEDFIRE project team from European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) visited the Netherlands as part of the project collaboration with Wageningen University & Research (WUR), between 16 – 19 January 2024. The visit was scheduled under the 3rd Hands-On Training Short Course (HOT-3) actions for Work Package 4 (WP4).   The visit was hosted by WP4...
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Representatives from European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES), visited Imperial College’s Hazelab (IMPERIAL) in London. The Hands-On Short Training Course (HOT-2) aimed to disseminate fire science expertise from IMPERIAL and exchange knowledge on science communication, research, management and administrative practices. The goal of the 3-day visit was to engage in hands-on training and discussions, exploring...
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The third Staff-Exchange Twinning visit (SET-3), held from November 27 to 30, 2023, brought Ms. Judith Kirschner from the European University of Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) to Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Ms. Judith Kirschner is a member of the EUC-CERIDES team and a PhD candidate though the Pyrolife Project funded by the prestigious Marie...
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The two-day Hands-On Training Short-Course (HOT-1) took place on November 7 and 8, 2023 in Cyprus. The project team of Imperial’s Hazelab (IMPERIAL) and European University Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) team members visited the Catastrophy Response Special Unit (CRSU) Fire Station to set up four fire demonstration stations. This included an actual fire test using...
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The second Staff-Exchange Twinning visit (SET-2) occurred from May 15 to 19, 2023, with Dr. Carlos Walker-Ravena and Mr. Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos from Imperial College London visiting the European University of Cyprus – CERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) The visit began with introductions and detailed discussions on the objectives of Work Package 3 (WP3), focusing on fire modelling and...
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The first Staff-Exchange Twinning visit (SET-1) took place from February 23 to 25, 2023, marking a significant collaboration between the European University of Cyprus (EUC) and Imperial College London (IMPERIAL). The visit involved Dr. Klelia Petrou from EUC – CERIDES and included meetings, presentations, and discussions aimed at defining the next steps and work required...
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