Project Kick-off Meeting takes place in Nicosia, Cyprus

European University CyprusCERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) successfully organized the kick-off meeting of SEMEDFIRE (South Eastern Mediterranean Excellence Development In Fire Research), a Twinning project under the Horizon Europe call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03. The consortium met in Nicosia at the EUC premises on the 31st of January 2023. 

SEMEDFIRE is the first Twinning Program awarded to EUC, boosting its status as a premiere research academic institution in the south-eastern Mediterranean region and beyond. 

In order to achieve the objectives set by the programme, EUC-CERIDES will be working closely with 5 advanced partners.

  • Hazelab at Imperial College London
  • The Pyrogoegraphy Group at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands
  • The General Directorate of Civil Security and Crisis Management at the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of France
  • The Pau Costa Foundation in Barcelona, Spain and
  • Nîmes Métropole in France.

The SEMEDFIRE-Twinning is in full alignment with the Vision of EUC-CERIDES to become the leading Mediterranean institution of research and applied activities, in the domains of Occupational Safety Health, Disaster and Emergency Management, and Safety & Security, and to foster long-term international collaborations leading to more secure societies in the region. 

Prof. George Boustras, Director of CERIDES, will be the project coordinator, having the overall responsibility for all issues of the project.
CERIDES’ Research-&-Strategy Manager Mr. Pierantonios Papazoglou will act as SEMEDFIRE’s Chief-Project-Manager.

Dr. Cleo Varianou Mikellidou, Dr. Klelia Petrou, Ms. Judith Kirschner, Mr. Iason Senekkis, Mr. Costas Constantinou and Mr. Matthieu Jost will be the EUC-CERIDES’ team for this project. 

The kick-off meeting received attention from national media outlets in Cyprus who published interviews and articles.

Local media outlets published articles in both English and Greek versions, related to the project details, goals, expected activities and results.

Kathimerini Cyprus – Cyprus plays leading role in natural disaster research in the South Med
Phileleftheros – Cyprus-based project brings together world-renowned experts in fire research
Sigmalive – Regional Research role in Cyprus through CERIDES

Moreover, the Greek outlet of Euronews published an article about SEMEDFIRE, enhancing the communication and dissemination activities of the project in the European level.

Euronews – SEMEDFIRE – Upgrading research on fires in Cyprus and the wider region

Find out more and follow SEMEDFIRE’s activities, results and news on our Social Media Profiles:, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn