SEMEDFIRE participates in 2024 European Civil Protection Forum  

The 8th edition of the EU Civil Protection Forum was held on 4-5 June in Tour & Taxis, in Brussels. This year’s forum, took place under the theme: “Shaping a disaster-resilient Union: charting a path for the future of European civil protection.

The Forum brought together key stakeholders from across the continent to discuss advancements and strategies in disaster management and emergency response. It emphasized the importance of resilience and preparedness in the face of increasing natural and man-made disasters. High-level representatives from the European Commission, national governments and various international organizations shared insights on innovative technologies and collaborative efforts to enhance civil protection capabilities. The event also featured numerous workshops, panel discussions and exhibitions showcasing the latest in emergency response equipment and methodologies. 

SEMEDFIRE partners from European University Cyprus – CERIDES, Pau Costa Foundation, Wageningen University & Research, Nimes Metropole and the General Direction of Civil Protection and Crisis Management of France, participated in the Forum. SEMEDFIRE representatives contributed to discussions on best practices for cross-border cooperation, the use of advanced data analytics in fire prediction and the development of community-based resilience strategies. Their participation highlighted the importance of international collaboration in tackling complex emergencies and promoting a safer Europe.

Highlights from the EU Civil Protection Forum 2024 have been published by the European Civil Protection Knowledge Network.

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