The 3rd Hands-on Training Short Course – EUC-CERIDES visits WUR in the Netherlands


The SEMEDFIRE project team from European University CyprusCERIDES (EUC-CERIDES) visited the Netherlands as part of the project collaboration with Wageningen University & Research (WUR), between 16 – 19 January 2024. The visit was scheduled under the 3rd Hands-On Training Short Course (HOT-3) actions for Work Package 4 (WP4).  

The visit was hosted by WP4 leader, Wageningen University & Research, known for its cutting-edge research in agriculture, environment, and life sciences. The aim was to strengthen academic ties, foster collaboration, and exchange knowledge and expertise in sustainable development and fire management.  

During their visit, the EUC-CERIDES project team of Professor George Boustras, Mr. Matthieu Jost and Mrs. Klelia Vassiliou, engaged in productive discussions, presentations and interactive workshops with faculty members and researchers at WUR. 

The delegates witnessed firsthand the innovative research facilities and projects at the university, further inspiring collaboration and dialogue on issues related to wildfire prevention, management, and sustainable ecosystems. 

Prof. Boustras gave the keynote speech titled ‘Fire Governance and Coordination in Cyprus: Current Challenges and Future Developments’ of the Wageningen Fire Symposium 2024. 

All EUC-CERIDES partner team members participated in the WUR Masters course Pyrogeography by acting as case study informants for course projects. Additionally, EUC-CERIDES staff participated in an interactive exercise (hackathon) on linking past and present landscape and fire management in Cyprus, led by WUR SEMEDFIRE team members, and were taken on a file excursion to see Dutch forest and water management sites. 

The HOT-3 will be followed by the organisation of HOT-4 in Cyprus in the coming months, according to the SEMEDFIRE schedule of work. 

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